Category Thursday

Multicultural Carers Group

Thursdays 10-12pm A time for carers from migrant and refugee backgrounds to connect, make new friends and do a range of activities such as art, craft and gardening. No cost. Contact Contact Anu: 042075768

Kinship Carer Catch-up

10-11.45 am once a month For both formal and informal kinship carers, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and others caring for kids. An opportunity to connect and share. Run by Anglicare. Contact Giselle 0418 699 320

Indoor Carpet Bowls

1.30–3.30pm Gentle indoor exercise and good company, no experience needed. Gold coin donation. Contact Anne 0411127925


6-8pm Come along and try the exciting Olympic sport of saber fencing. It’s a game of whit, speed and tactics. Students $120 per term $180 for adults. Contact Greg 0422899684

MacCapella Singers

6.30-8pm MaCapella is a relaxed group where mums and women get together to sing. Children are welcome, the repertoire is modern and fun! First session free. After that pay per term or fortnight, $34 per fortnight or $27.20 concession. Contact: Tara 0418 718 471

Creatives on the Hill

7.15-9pm Welcoming craft group with access to sewing machines and overlockers. Gold coin donation. Contact: Penny 0421313820