Category Sunday

Old Church Café

10 am-12.00pm 1st and 3rd Sun of the month. (Recommencing from 16th February)
Bring your friends for barista-made coffee, cake and brunch. To volunteer contact: Rachel 0457 171 096

Old Church Growers’ Market

10 am-12.00 pm 1st and 3rd Sun of the month (Recommencing from 16th February)
Come and buy locally grown, freshly harvested and delicious produce, as well as eggs, milk, honey and olive oil, direct from the grower to you. Supporting backyard and micro farmers in our region.
Contact Jonas: 0499 777 850

Chess On the Hill

Come and play chess with us! Lots of boards and new friends to play with. No experience needed, all ages. Contact: Andre 0409848829

Garden Working Bee

1st Sun of the month 10-12pm
Come and help plan, plant and care for our community garden. Both beginners and experienced gardeners welcome! Contact Ainslie 0458280402

Celtic Music Session

3rd Sun of the month 2-5pm: 22 Oct, 19 Nov, 17 Dec
Bring an instrument and come play Celtic music with us! Gold coin donation. Contract Brendan 0438431461