Linto Thomas

Linto Thomas

Old Church Mending Circle

First Saturday of the Month 10.30am - 12.30pm
Bring your sewing project or mending, have a cuppa and talk all things textiles, techniques and tools. We're a diverse group, all are welcome. Gold coin donation.
Contact: Claire 0423 244 524

Bendigo Patchwork Group

10am - 3 pm
A friendly group that meets to sit and stich. BYO sewing project & equipment such as patch work, embroidery, applique (note this is not a class).BYP lunch/snacks. Cost:$5 per visit (cash only) to cover the use of the space.
Contact Rose 0458 290 402

Harambee Homework Club

3.30 -5.15pm
Homework club for primary and secondary students from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
Contact: Linto
040 139 7129