

The Living Room

Come have a coffee and some morning tea with you neighbours! Donations towards coffees welcomed. Bring a friend or make a new one. Contact: Rose
0458 290 402

Sharing Table

Free fruit, vegetables and pantry staples. Give what you don’t need or come and pick up some extra groceries for the week. Contact: Linto 0401397129.

Mother Tongue Storytime

Come listen to stories, rhymes and songs in different languages. No cost. Contact Po Tu Tu 0447326009 or Kate 0402383058.

CWA Catch Up

3rd Fri of the month 1-3pm: 16 Feb, 15 Mar
Meet other women and get involved in different events and activities. Contact Pam 0417354363

Jazz Club

1st Fri of the month 7-9pm
Players and listeners welcome. Tunes to be worked on in advance and emailed/posted on Facebook, but you’re also welcome to just turn up! Bar will be open. Gold coin donation. Contact: Cristina

Garden Working Bee

1st Sun of the month 10-12pm
Come and help plan, plant and care for our community garden. Both beginners and experienced gardeners welcome! Contact Ainslie 0458280402

Celtic Music Session

3rd Sun of the month 2-5pm: 22 Oct, 19 Nov, 17 Dec
Bring an instrument and come play Celtic music with us! Gold coin donation. Contract Brendan 0438431461